Running the Tests#

There are two options for running the tests:

  • Use an environment you created yourself. This requires more manual steps to set up, but gives you more flexibility. For example, you can run a subset of the tests or use python interactively to investigate any issues. See Testing Iris in a Manually Created Environment.

  • Use nox. This will automatically generate an environment and run test sessions consistent with our GitHub continuous integration. See Using Nox for Testing Iris.

Testing Iris in a Manually Created Environment#

To create a suitable environment for running the tests, see Installing from Source with Conda (Developers).

Many Iris tests will use data that may be defined in the test itself, however this is not always the case as sometimes example files may be used. Due to the size of some of the files used these are not kept in the Iris repository. A separate repository under the SciTools organisation is used, see

In order to run the tests with all the test data you must clone the iris-test-data repository and then ensure the Iris tests can access iris-test-data/test_data, using one of two methods:

  • Store the path in a shell environment variable named OVERRIDE_TEST_DATA_REPOSITORY.

  • Store the path in lib/iris/etc/site.cfg (see iris.config for more).

The example command below uses ~/projects as the parent directory:

cd ~/projects
git clone
export OVERRIDE_TEST_DATA_REPOSITORY=~/projects/iris-test-data/test_data

All the Iris tests may be run from the root iris project directory using pytest. For example:

pytest -n 2

will run the tests across two processes. For more options, use the command pytest -h. Below is a trimmed example of the output:

============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.10.5, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /path/to/git/clone/iris, configfile: pyproject.toml, testpaths: lib/iris
plugins: xdist-2.5.0, forked-1.4.0
gw0 I / gw1 I
gw0 [6361] / gw1 [6361]

........................................................................ [  1%]
........................................................................ [  2%]
........................................................................ [  3%]
.......................ssssssssssssssssss............................... [ 99%]
........................                                                 [100%]
=============================== warnings summary ===============================
-- Docs:
=========================== short test summary info ============================
SKIPPED [1] lib/iris/tests/experimental/ Test requires 'gdal'.
SKIPPED [1] lib/iris/tests/experimental/ Test requires 'gdal'.
========= 6340 passed, 21 skipped, 1659 warnings in 193.57s (0:03:13) ==========

There may be some tests that have been skipped. This is due to a Python decorator being present in the test script that will intentionally skip a test if a certain condition is not met. In the example output above there are 21 skipped tests. At the point in time when this was run this was due to an experimental dependency not being present.


The most common reason for tests to be skipped is when the directory for the iris-test-data has not been set which would shows output such as:

SKIPPED [1] lib/iris/tests/unit/fileformats/ Test(s) require external data.
SKIPPED [1] lib/iris/tests/unit/fileformats/pp/ Test(s) require external data.
SKIPPED [1] lib/iris/tests/unit/util/ Test(s) require external data.

All Python decorators that skip tests will be defined in lib/iris/tests/ with a function name with a prefix of skip_.

You can also run a specific test module. The example below runs the tests for mapping:

cd lib/iris/tests

When running the test directly as above you can view the command line options using the commands python -h or python --help.


A useful command line option to use is -d. This will display matplotlib figures as the tests are run. For example:

python -d

Using Nox for Testing Iris#

The nox tool has for adopted for automated testing on Iris GitHub Actions and also locally on the command-line for developers.

nox is similar to tox, but instead leverages the expressiveness and power of a Python configuration file rather than an .ini style file. As with tox, nox can use virtualenv to create isolated Python environments, but in addition also supports conda as a testing environment backend.

Where is Nox Used?#

Iris uses nox as a convenience to fully automate the process of executing the Iris tests, but also automates the process of:

  • building the documentation and executing the doc-tests

  • building the documentation gallery

  • running the documentation URL link check

You can perform all of these tasks manually yourself, however the onus is on you to first ensure that all of the required package dependencies are installed and available in the testing environment.

Nox has been configured to automatically do this for you, and provides a means to easily replicate the remote testing behaviour of Iris GitHub Actions locally for the developer.

Installing Nox#

We recommend installing nox using conda. To install nox in a separate conda environment:

conda create -n nox -c conda-forge nox
conda activate nox

To install nox in an existing active conda environment:

conda install -c conda-forge nox

The nox package is also available on PyPI, however nox has been configured to use the conda backend for Iris, so an installation of conda must always be available.

Testing with Nox#

The nox configuration file is available in the root iris project directory, and defines all the nox sessions (i.e., tasks) that may be performed. nox must always be executed from the iris root directory.

To list the configured nox sessions for Iris:

nox --list

To run the Iris tests for all configured versions of Python:

nox --session tests

To build the Iris documentation specifically for Python 3.7:

nox --session doctest-3.7

To run all the Iris nox sessions:


For further nox command-line options:

nox --help


For nox sessions that use the conda backend, you can use the -v or --verbose flag to display the nox conda environment package details and environment info. For example:

nox --session tests -- --verbose


nox will cache its testing environments in the .nox root iris project directory.