.. include:: ../common_links.inc .. _development_where_to_start: .. _developers_guide: Developers Guide ---------------- Iris_ is an Open Source project hosted on Github and as such anyone with a GitHub account may create an `issue`_ on our `Iris GitHub`_ project page for raising: * bug reports * feature requests * documentation improvements The `Iris GitHub`_ project has been configured to use templates for each of the above issue types when creating a `new issue`_ to ensure the appropriate information is provided. Alternatively, **join the conversation** in Iris `GitHub Discussions`_, when you would like the opinions of the Iris community. A `pull request`_ may also be created by anyone who has become a **contributor** to Iris_. Permissions to merge pull requests to the ``main`` branch are only given to **core developers** of Iris_, this is to ensure a measure of control. To get started we suggest reading recent `issues`_, `GitHub Discussions`_ and `pull requests`_ for Iris. If you are new to using GitHub we recommend reading the `GitHub getting started`_ .. note:: For more information on becoming a contributor_ including a link to the Contributors Licence Agreement (CLA) see the `Governance `_ section of the `SciTools`_ ogranization web site. .. _GitHub getting started: https://docs.github.com/en/github/getting-started-with-github .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Developers Guide :name: development_index :hidden: gitwash/index contributing_documentation contributing_codebase_index contributing_changes github_app release .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Reference :hidden: ../generated/api/iris ../whatsnew/index ../techpapers/index ../copyright ../voted_issues